Andrea and I skiing in Grand Teton National Park - March 26, 2016
I'm not even sure how to type words to describe our first time skiing in GTNP. We love the Tetons, and have made some fantastic summer trips to this mountain range. There is something magical, though, about seeing these iconic peaks covered in snow and traveling through this terrain on skis. The combination of the company, scenery, hero snow, and sunshine made this one of my most memorable ski days since I took up this sport lifestyle eight years ago.
On March 26th we skied a couple laps off a peak called "25 Short" - one of the more mellow areas in a region dominated by gnarly terrain. It was a perfect day...
I typically start clapping on the drive into the park when we get to this point
So happy to be here in winter for the first time
The most iconic mountain skyline
Taggart Lake trailhead
Making the approach
Up up up
Andrea on 25 Short
Andrea skiing our first lap into the main bowl / slide path
Back up
Unreal. Look close and you can see me on the ridge to the left.
Again, unreal. Look close and you can see Andrea.
Up to the top for another round
3300 feet down to the valley floor
Heading back to Taggart
We spent three days in Jackson over Easter. The rest of the trip is documented here: