The newer chairlifts at the Canyons are bright orange, which were the only dose of color on an otherwise low-visibility day
Wildlife sighting! A skiing Moose!

Jenna visited at a great time in terms of snowfall... but not in terms of being able to actually see any of the mountains, or the sun!
We attempted to visit the Airborne Trampoline Arena, and even had our outfits all picked out... but the place was just too crowded, so we went to Smith's and got more ice cream instead
After 3 days of storm-skiing, and with more blustery weather in the mountains, we gave Jenna a break and went bowling instead on Sunday...
Here's how it shook out. We bowled 3 games, and Jenna kicked our butts. The 14lb ball was too much for my arms to handle. I guess I need more perfect pushups...
Game 1: Andrea - 126, Jenna - 109, Jake - 81
Game 2: Jenna - 162, Jake - 137, Andrea - 114
Game 3: Jake - 138, Andrea - 104, Jenna - 104
Overall Champion: Jenna - 375

Then we capped off the trip by watching Tangled, which is by far the best movie we've seen in 2011
This morning, as Jenna prepared to leave SLC, the sun FINALLY came out after 4 days in the clouds. Jenna finally saw that we live right on the edge of a very impressive mountain range!
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