May 2 - May 8: 100 miles (Provo Half-Marathon, 1:10:52, PR, 2nd place)
May 9 - May 15: 135 miles
May 16 - May 22: 114 miles
May 23 - May 29: 95* miles (Memorial Day 10K, 31:55, 3rd place)
(*End of "The Streak")
Total Miles for May (31 days, 52 runs): 483 miles
Average Miles a Day: 15.6 miles
Total Perfect Pushups: 1800 (58/day)
Days I drove my car to work: 8 days
I feel like I'm not only back to a competitive level, but I jumped to a new level this month. The half-marathon and 10K races were solid efforts, but its really the day-to-day workload and consistency that has given me more confidence. I keep getting stronger and stronger in workouts. There were a few specific days that really told me I was now at a fitness level I have never been at before... the 13 mile tempo and the 2 x 5 miles workouts were put on the calendar at the beginning of the month to be indicators of what my goal pace should be in the marathon. I cruised through both of them, and now my expectations are pretty high for UVM. The big mileage all winter, and incorporation of more specific workouts over the past 8 weeks, has paid off nicely so far. With only a week to go, I can't wait to just get out there and race for 26.2!
May 2 - May 8: 57 miles (Provo Half-Marathon, 1:21:43, PR, 1st Place)
May 9 - May 15: 69 miles
May 16 - May 22: 71 miles
May 23 - May 29: 49 miles (Memorial Day 10K, 37:10, PR, Course Record, 1st Place)
Total Miles for May (31 days, 43 runs): 272 miles
Average Miles a Day: 8.8 miles
I started off the month with a huge PR in the Provo Half Marathon, which gave me confidence that my training and workouts were right on target. This month was much more focused on the track and tempo workouts instead of miles. The 10k this past weekend was a great effort, but I could definitely tell that my training was geared towards the longer distance. I know that I'm in the best shape of my life and am excited to see what I can do at the Utah Valley Half Marathon.
Its still has not stopped snowing (15" over Memorial Day weekend, season-to-date totals are pushing close to 800", and Snowbird is staying open through July 4th!). That being said, we haven't skied much in the past month. After kicking off the month with some chute skiing on May 1st, we've shifted our focus to running and recovery. We'll ski some more after UVM (as the snowpack is crazy deep and will last well into the summer), but its just not worth the risk of any freak injuries or whatnot at this point. Running fast is the #1 priority and the thing we are both most passionate about right now.
Next up...
Races: Fight for Air 5K (June 4), Utah Valley Half-Marathon / Marathon (June 11)
Trips: We're still not 100% decided on a summer vacation at the end of June... but right now we are leaning towards California... maybe Shasta/Lassen/Tahoe.

This was our workout calendar for the month of May. Days that don't have something specific were simply "run as much mileage as possible without breaking down and make sure you are fresh for workouts." I think this was a good scheme for the month, considering we both haven't done these types of workouts in several years. Its eased us back into a higher workout of quality running, and has gotten us prepared well for racing, but avoided the risk of injuries that comes with doing too much, too soon.

Jake's miles per week for the past 6 months... "Miles make champions"
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