June 11, 2017

More Summer Skiing

Andrea heading towards Reids Peak in the Uinta Mountains

An exceptional mid-June week. Despite its above-average size (as of a few weeks ago), our snowpack is dwindling quickly due to above average temperatures. Summer comes at us quicker and hotter these days! We skied Suicide Chute on Wednesday and Friday mornings before work, then went back up the Mirror Lake Highway on Saturday and skied in the Bald Mountain / Reids Peak area. Andrea was content with a three day ski week, but I wasn't (shocking!), so on Sunday I went up to Alta for a Main Chute lap.

Wednesday June 7 and Friday June 9

Suicide Chute both mornings...

Saturday June 10

Back up to the Uintas and Mirror Lake Highway. Started with a couple laps off the east face of Bald Mountain, then one in the Bald/Reids amphitheatre, then finished it off with a glorious run down the north couloir on Reids Peak...

Sunday June 11

Solo Main Chute at Alta - still in great conditions...

Non-Skiing transition to summer - running up Grandeur Peak and post-run thirstiness...

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