May 7, 2018

Winter Winds Down

Sunrise on May 3rd from Twin Lakes Pass

Thursday May 3

About 6" of fresh snow (probably the last new snow) to we get out early to take advantage. The skiing off Patsy Marley and Twin Lakes Pass was awesome - powder over a really smooth base. It was tough skiing to the car to get to work knowing those would likely be the last powder turns for a while.

Saturday May 5

Andrea was down in the desert for a few days so I put together an ambitious plan for Saturday morning which immediately was nixed when I overslept my alarm by about an hour. Doh! Timing is everything in the spring.

I headed up Red Pine, which had plenty of bare spots on the trail. After skiing a couple runs in upper Red Pine, I climbed up the west side of Lake Peak, skied off its North face (best run of the day) and then out White Pine Canyon.

Sunday May 6

The overnight low temps weren't even close to freezing, so I opted to ski at Alta for their closing day instead of backcountry touring. I even slept in and went for a run before skiing, which typically means the season is starting to wind down. I had low expectations but it ended up being one of the better lift-served spring ski days I can remember. The snow was a little slushy but supportable and smooth - all the runs off the high traverse were great. Randonly ran into and ended up skiing with Professor Powder and his son during the morning, which was great.

Superior is melting out. South ridge climbing season will start before you know it.

The Collins plot is already down to 80" and it doesn't seem like we'll get a good freeze all week, so we're going to lose the snowpack fast.

I'm hoping to I will (no matter what) get in a few more weekends of Wasatch turns.

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