June 19, 2010

Antelope Island

Bob the Bison wondering why were running on such a hot day

This morning Andrea and I headed up to Antelope Island State Park for some trail running. We ran some amazing trails over rolling terrain for an hour and forty minutes. There were several bison really close to the trails... they are HUGE up close! Antelope Island, the largest island on the Great Salt Lake, is really cool, but you don't want to go there in the heat of the summer (ie. right now)... there are just too many bugs. We'll definitely be back in the fall, though... and maybe for the 25K and 50K trail races that are held there.

Panoramic shot from Elephant Head

Andrea running up the trail with the Great Salt Lake behind

At the end of the Elephant Head loop

I learned about Bison horns

And then we went swimming in the Salt Lake:


  1. How did that dude from the machinist get into your picture?

  2. he trains with me quite a bit these days, so i figured i'd let him be in one of my pics
