Good Morning, Wasatch
We are spoiled right now. A week after skiing an unbelievable 5 day stretch, it was looking like we might get somewhere between 5-15" of snow between Thursday and Sunday. I even got sappy on Instagram and talked about how not every day needs to be an epic powder day. Then Wasatch Magic happened and we were right back in the business of epic powder days!!!
When a couple inches turns into a couple feet...
Friday January 20
Solo dawn patrol in Grizzly Gulch / Twin Lakes Pass. Dust on crust turns, but that's better than nothing! You can never beat a morning of sliding around on snow.
Saturday January 21
Solo storm skiing day (Andrea is in Singapore/Bali). I kept it conservative (Mill D) and the day just got better and better and it snowed SO HARD all day! This was the lightest snow I think I've ever skied in Utah - probably 3 or 4%. It was so light that you could feel the bottom despite how much snow was coming down. This outing was an all-time record for face shots.
Sunday January 22
Calm between the storms. Amiee came out with me for the morning session and we caught a fantastic sunrise. It took a few runs to figure out where the snow was best in Mill D, but once I figured that out (East face of Reynolds Peak) I just lapped it over and over and over.
And it was snowing again by the time I finished :-)
I have no action shots, but you'll just have to trust these elevation profiles to show that the weekend was pretty damn awesome. No one would ski this many laps if it wasn't!
And if there was ever a time... make what is definitely the first and probably will be the last politically themed comment on this blog, this feels like the time. I've racked my brain for months and tried to out myself in other people's shoes and understand their perspective... but I still can't figure out why 26% of people thought it was a good idea to vote for Donald Trump to lead our country. I'm not getting into details, everything that needs to be said has been said a thousand times by other people. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so I'll share what Andrea and I think...
Barack Obama goes down in history as one of the great presidents - and more importantly: As a leader, father, and husband - our country was lucky to have such fantastic role model for the past eight years.
Thanks, Obama.
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