February 18, 2019

Chutes and Powder

Things are going OK in the Wasatch lately :-)

I'm not sure I ever have all the good photos from the past week in here, but here's my best shot.

Monday February 11

Went up to Emma Ridge for dusk patrol, caught another great sunset, and skied one of our favorite runs twice in even better conditions than the day before.

Tuesday February 12

Dawn patrol in Days Fork. Skied Lucky Days and then two other nearby variations. This was probably the best morning of the season.

Friday February 15

Mill D. It rained up to about 8200 feet but the skiing was nice above that. We knew it was going to snow a lot more so we weren't worried about the conditions for the weekend.

Saturday February 16

BEST DAY OF THE SEASON?!? Maybe, so far. We skied 9 laps off Emma Ridge, which I think it our record for Emma laps. The sun came out and it was just a crazy fun day. Perfect powder, perfect weather, deep snowpack.

Sunday February 17

Started off by going up the Little Pine slide path and it was SO GOOD. Stable snow and deep powder for the upper half. It was so good that we skied halfway down and then we right back up for another round. After that we went across the street to Scottie's Bowl for some north-facing hero powder laps.

Monday February 18

When we saw it was going to be another clear morning, we bee-lined to the White Pine slide path. Another beautiful morning and fantastic skiing. These south facing LCC chutes are the greatest when you catch them in these kinds of conditions. After that adventure, Andrea headed to work and I spent the rest of the day skiing powder laps in the Scottie's Bowl area again.

White Pine and Little Pine from across the street:


  1. Quit hogging all that powder and send some my way!

    1. You knew this would happen when you decided to leave for the winter!
