July 31, 2012

Corporate Games XC 5K Report - Andrea

The company that I work for, BD Medical, is participating in the Salt Lake County Corporate Games. The purpose of the games is to compete with other companies in the valley in a wide range of sports. It's a really neat way to promote living a healthy lifestyle and making friends within the company, all while in competition with others!

The first event of the games was the Cross Country 5K. It was actually more like 3.3-3.4 miles, but that's okay :) The course consisted of three grass loops around the Cottonwood Complex Park. I haven't participated in a cross country race since high school, and it was about as hard as I remembered. Road racing doesn't quite translate to XC - but it's a great workout!

After a hard sprint off the start, I tried to get into a sustainable pace. There were quite a few steep hills throughout the course that made my breathing especially labored but maintained a consistent effort for the most part. My first lap was the fastest (due to trying not to get trampled at the start) with 2nd and 3rd laps about the same. Final time was 20:34 for 1st Place. Not too bad for a 70 mile week coming on the heels of our epic Tetons vacation!

The rest of the BD Medical team did great - I was very proud and excited to have them come out for the event as well. Unfortunately, we didn't realize that we had to have two girls for scoring, so I think we were disqualified for points. Oh well. Maybe next year I can be in charge and sucker a lot more people (especially girls) into doing it!

I am participating in several other events (that will be much more comedic) such as a mountain biking race, ultimate frisbee, and soccer. More to come...should be entertaining...

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